The Wild Rose Old Tyme Fiddlers Association (“WROTFA”) exists to encourage, foster and develop an appreciation of Old Time Music in a spirit of friendship, and to preserve this musical heritage for our generation and for future generations to enjoy. Those future generations are very important to our Association.
To that end, WROTFA provides an Adult Beginner Class and a Novice-Intermediate Class.
Classes are held on Monday nights:
January February and March
April, May and June
July and August - no classes
Sept, Oct, Nov and December
See information below on each of these classes.
Do you have a junior person interested in fiddling:
Some of the instructors which are presently offering fiddle lessons for juniors are listed on our website at
For the fiddle classes, as a prerequisite, please ensure you come to class with a functioning fiddle, bow and strings. If you need assistance in getting your fiddle in proper working order, check out the music store listing on our membership page /
Adult Beginner
Group Fiddle Classes
This class is suited to people with some familiarity with music, although it is not necessary to read music. The instructor will focus on teaching students the fiddle fundamentals of bowing, fingering, scales and arpeggios while learning old time music tunes in a group setting.
This hour long class is best suited to adult beginners who can play at least one simple tune on the fiddle, showing some knowledge of the strings and the bow. Teaching tunes is mainly done by ear, with sheet music with both notes and tabs being provided as a reference. Students are encouraged to bring a recording device to class to use as further reference in practicing between lessons. Over the year this may lead to a set list of tunes to review in class between September and June. Newcomers can join at any time.
For questions regarding the classes please email the instructor Donna Ingram ( or text at 780-405-5727
NEXT (Current) SESSION DATE: Monday, January 6 through March 31, 2025
TIME: 7:00 to 8:00 P.M.
Novice Intermediate Group
Fiddle Classes
The WROTFA Novice-Intermediate class has started up another session on Monday,January 6, 2025.
The adult intermediate group class is for fiddlers who have acquired a range of basic skills and old-time fiddle tunes and are ready to work on more complex or up-tempo tunes. Bowing patterns may be discussed when relevant to particular tunes but the main focus is on expanding your repertoire, drawing on a number of familiar composers in the prairie old time genre.
For questions regarding the classes please write the instructor Troy Gates ( Alternatively: 780-998-4817 or mobile 780-721-3502
NEXT (Current) SESSION DATE: Monday, January 6 through March 31, 2025
TIME: 8:30 PM TO 9:30 P.M.
LOCATION for above classes: Pleasantview Community Hall, 10860 - 57 Avenue Edmonton (you will then be directed to the Marshall Centre which is the smaller building located on same parking lot.
COST for Adult Beginner or Novice Intermediate: Prepayment of $75 and a current membership with WROTFA is required.
Prepayment can be sent via e-transfer to or at the hall. This prepayment includes sitting in on the fiddle jams held every Monday in the main hall after class - so please join us - get to know your fellow musicians.
The main hall opens at approximately 6:30 p.m. with the regular “round the circle” jam session starting at 7:00 p.m. There is a break for socializing from 8 to 8:30; the circle jam session will continue in the main hall until 10 pm and you are invited to stay.
Guests are welcome to attend the entire evening in the Pleasantview Community Hall by paying a nightly admission of $5. The nightly admission for class attendees is already included in your prepayment.