The WILD ROSE OLD TIME FIDDLE FESTIVAL is the culminating event of the year for the Wild Rose Old Tyme Fiddlers Association (WROTFA) which is a volunteer non-profit organization that exists to encourage, foster and develop an appreciation of Old Tyme Fiddle Music in a spirit of friendship, and to preserve this musical heritage for our generation and for future generations to enjoy.
The Wild Rose Fiddle Festival brings together fiddle music players, dancers and fiddle music lovers to play their tunes with other people, listen to competition participants putting their best foot forward, and dancing to Old Time fiddle music!
Click here for the special newsletter on the a previous version of the Wild Rose Old Time Fiddle Festival (summary of the event with pictures of the contest winners)
The Wild Rose Old Time Fiddle Festival draws fiddlers from the local area, many from across Alberta and a few from across Canada! This 4 day festival includes:
Thursday evening musical jam session
Friday Old Time Country Barn Dance (including invited Old Time square dance caller and guest old time fiddle performers)
Saturday Grand North American Old Time Fiddle Championship (day 1)
Expert old time fiddler demonstration
Youth old time fiddle workshop
Saturday Wild Rose Fiddle Festival Banquet
Saturday Old Time Family Dance (kicked off by the GNA contest judges (expert fiddlers in their own right) and followed by guest old time fiddler performers
Sunday old time fiddle guest artist performance
Sunday old time fiddle competition (day 2)
Jam sessions (open to all!) Thursday, Friday and Sunday
Friday Night Old Tyme Country Barn Dance (simple barn dances: circles, squares, contras and couples dances - you don't have to know how to dance!)
Traditional Old Time fiddlers and back-up musicians!
Grand North American Old Time Fiddle Championship
Saturday and Sunday
Competion Classes for Novice through Championship!
Saturday Night Old Time Dance
Saturday Judges Performance
Sunday guest entertainer (2024 was Kikino Norther Lites Métis dancers)